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9 VIEWS (2021) is a postcard leporello containing nine photographs made by Peter Downsbrough between 1993 and 2017, and has been designed by the artist. The collection of photographs is the result of Downsbrough’s many travels and his long-lasting affinity with the ocean and the beach. For De Blinkerd Editions, Downsbrough compiled nine photographs from his large body of work that represent the border zone between land and sea.
The leporello is produced on the occasion of the publication of Dover and Calais to Dunkerque and Ramsgate, a nautical chart created by Romy Delange and Othillia G⸺ for De Blinkerd Editions (2021).
DeBlinkerdAsks some questions to Peter Downsbrough:
What is your favourite anchorage bay?
What peer would I tie my boat up to? Good question. I think in New York, just to see what is going on there. And it would only be for a short time, before moving on to Havana.
What are your influences when creating postcards?
I was travelling a good bit and postcards were something that you could get everywhere and send very simply to people to say hello. So it was really just that. I mean, it was not an art impulse or an art input. It was life. It’s like eating hotdogs and having beer: something you did because you were travelling and you could get nice postcards and then send them. From there, one thing developed and grew into a little bit more of an interest as it were, in inverventions on that image. I actually played around with poscards even before travelling very much. Because in the US they had very nice postcards that had nothing on them. So you could do all kinds of things on them. I did some work on that in the mid sixties.
Why did you opt to work with De Blinkerd?
Well simply because I like the people. They were interested in what I was doing and I said yes. We were talking to each other and looking at stuff together. In the end, it sort of started with just one project and quickly grew into a couple more.